As a board member, I will be serving the following:
for the
Students need to be at the center of all decisions.
I will advocate for educational options for students so each student can grow and learn. The district should be the pride of our community and provide the finest growth opportunity in the state for our children. We need to unlock the possibilities for every student to achieve their goals and dreams.
for the
Parents are core to the educational process. Partnering with parents
is important in order for children to succeed in the district. I will ensure the role of the parent is valued, they are listened to, responded to and their input is solicited when decisions are being made that impact their children and educational outcomes.
for the
The community needs assurance the resources provided to the district by them are used in a manner that provides the highest return for the stakeholder.
I will work to protect the long-term interests of the district and support practices that are fiscally responsible, processes that are efficient and effective and engage in continuous improvement.
for the
District staff is central to delivering the district’s mission. The district's staff needs to be engaged in supporting the children of our community and have the necessary resources to execute what is being asked of them.
I will always show my appreciation and demonstrate support through decisions while ensuring competitive compensation.
As a board member I will serve in the following ways:
Engage the Community
Listen to stakeholders; provide opportunities for input utilizing a variety different methods
Channel stakeholder input through the governance process
Effectively communicate with all stakeholders the educational successes of the district
Leverage community resources to support the district
Advocate for legislation that will positively impact the students and the district
Provide Vision
Ensure a strategic planning process is in place to guide the development of a district strategic plan which is aligned with community need
Cast a positive educational vision and engage all stakeholders that places students at the core
Empower the district leadership team to deploy the district’s plan with the expectation that staff will be engaged
Ensure teaching and learning is central with high expectations for student outcomes for ALL students
Provide resources that are aligned with the district’s strategic plan
Support the Governance Model
Providing strategic district leadership, “staying above the line”
Ensure the the administration is operating the district in according to the policies approved by the board
Establish policy related to administration, the instructional program, staff, students, finance, property, operations and relations
Review and approve a budget that is aligned with the district’s strategic plan
Oversee and monitor district performance, recruiting, hiring and evaluating the superintendent
Ensure Accountability
Ensure accountability structures are in place with clear lanes of responsibility and authority
District key performance indicators (KPIs) are aligned to the district’s strategic plan in order to measure progress
Advocate for continuous improvement; rapid cycles need to be deployed, a cycle of improvement should not be the length of the school year, trimester/semester. We owe it to our students to deploy new strategies to help them learn and grow
Encourage the use of leading data in order to inform cycles of improvement; do not wait until the end (lagging data)
Be accountable to the community